Making Your Home Stand Out

Working With Painting Contractors

15 November 2023
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Hiring a painting contractor for your home or business can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be stressful. With some preparation and research, you can find the right painting pro for the job. Here are some tips for working with painting contractors to ensure a smooth and successful project: Define Your Project Scope Before reaching out to contractors, think through exactly what you want to be painted. Are you looking to refresh the walls with a new coat of paint or do a more extensive renovation with textures, murals, or other specialty finishes? Read More …

Everything You Need to Know About the Services Offered by Paint Contractors

29 September 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Finding the perfect contractor for your painting project can feel quite overwhelming. With so many options available, it's not always easy to know which one to choose. By understanding what services paint contractors offer, you'll be able to make an informed decision. Discover the services typically offered by paint contractors and what to expect when working with them. 1. Site Preparation Before paint can be applied, the surface needs to be properly prepared. Read More …

Three Southern-Inspired Paint Colors To Consider

8 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Whether you live in the South or have recently moved away from this part of the country but want to keep the region in mind, decorating your home with Southern-inspired decor can be a good idea. Beyond the decor itself, you may also wish to think about painting one or more rooms of the residence in colors that have a link to the south. There are many such colors available at your local paint store, and you can even talk to your painting contractor to get their opinion about what shades might work best in which rooms of your home. Read More …

Addressing Common Challenges Of Painting A Home’s Exterior

22 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Painting the outside of a home is not easy. However, if you are comfortable on a ladder, can handle a paintbrush, and have plenty of time to spare, then you can generally tackle this project yourself if preferred. The key is knowing how to address various challenges that you might come up against in the process of painting. Below, take a look at some of those challenges and trips to address them. Read More …

5 Tips For Painting Vinyl Siding

10 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Vinyl is a preferred house siding for many homeowners because it is durable and low maintenance. Unfortunately, the color of the siding can become dated over time. The good news is that is possible to paint your vinyl-sided home exterior to give it a facelift. A new paint job, when done correctly, is much more cost-effective than putting on new siding.   1. Make Repairs First Although durable, vinyl siding isn't immune to damage and this damage needs to be repaired before any paint is applied. Read More …